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Klein Marine Systems to hold three side scan sonar training days

Satellite Evolution

Klein Marine Systems to hold three side scan sonar training days

Klein Marine Systems, the world leading manufacturer of high-quality side scan sonars, will be hosting a three (3) day side scan sonar training at the Seacoast Science Center in Rye Beach, NH. Practical sessions on UNH Gulf Challenger, based in Newcastle, NH. The dates of the training will be June 20-22, 2017 9:00 am —6:00 pm

Participants will develop a thorough understanding of sonar image analysis as well as get hands-on experience with single beam sonars such as the dual-frequency Klein 4900 and the high-speed, Multi-Beam Klein 5000 V2 . Detailed information regarding the course content is available via the attached or at our website –

The training will be conducted by guest instructor, Vince Capone. Vincent Capone, M.Sc. is a side scan sonar specialist and a regular instructor at the US Navy Mine Warfare Center. He has trained US EPA, US Army Corps of Engineers, numerous law enforcement agencies, first responders and numerous military organizations. Vince has worked with the US Navy Supervisor of Salvage on aircraft search and recovery OPS including the space shuttle Columbia. He planned the search for and was the operations manager for the successful recovery of Apollo 11 rocket motors from the deep ocean. Vince is a noted authority on underwater exploration as well as an ROV pilot and diver. He owns Black Laser Learning which focuses on training in marine technology and software.

Training Costs:

$800 USD per student

$700 USD for Law Enforcement, Military

* Price includes training materials, training certificate and lunch each day.

Training limited to 30 seats ~ Make sure you register early!

For reservations contact or call Carol Morrissey at +1 (603) 893-6131 Ext. 272

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