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Elbit Systems awarded a $27 million contract to supply air-to-air combat training systems to a Navy

Satellite Evolution

Elbit Systems awarded a $27 million contract to supply air-to-air combat training systems to a Navy in South Asia

Elbit Systems Ltd. announced today that it was awarded a contract valued at approximately $27 million to supply air-to-air combat training systems for the Navy of a South Asian Country. The contract will be performed over a two-year period, to be followed by three years of availability-based maintenance.

The contract calls for the supply of EHUD™ Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation (“EHUD ACMI”) systems, to be operated from the Navy’s shore bases as well as onboard aircraft carriers.

EHUD ACMI offers advanced air-to-air combat training capabilities, including features such as real-time hit notification and removal, real-time electronic warfare and air-to-air weapons delivery, simulation and advanced debriefing. The system supports an unlimited number of live networked participants, through Elbit Systems’ data-link protocol that also allows interoperability with existing EHUD ACMI systems operated by the customer. The EHUD ACMI training systems are currently operated by numerous Air Forces across four continents, including several NATO countries.

Yoram Shmuely, General Manager of Elbit Systems’ Aerospace Division commented: “We are proud to supply advanced combat training capabilities to the customer’s Navy, following the successful operation of these systems by its Air Force. Elbit Systems is the Israel Defense Forces’ training and simulation house and our continued investment in this area together with the extensive operational experience we have accumulated, enable us to stay well ahead of the curve, also to the benefit of our international customers.”

Recent reports of Elbit Systems’ activities in the area of training and simulation:

Elbit Systems of America was selected to supply embedded training capabilities to Boeing’s T-7 Red Hawk advanced pilot training aircraft for the United States Air Force.

The Company has recently launched its mobile aircrew EW training & simulation field enabling pilots to effectively and efficiently train against realistic EW threats. The new system is housed in a standard mobile container and incorporates a range of transmitters, sensors, communications, command and control as well as analytical systems to enable full spectrum coverage including Radio Frequency, Infra-Red and Electro-optics providing aircrews with the opportunity to conduct airborne training in a real-life multi-threat EW arena.

The Israeli Defense Forces has just initiated a series of brigade level exercises in Elbit Systems’ new Brigade and Battlegroup Mission Training Center. The new training center immerses commanders, headquarters staff and two subordinate command levels in high-fidelity combat situations in actual battle zone territory. This training center presents commanders and their staff with a realistic operational picture, enables them to operate a range of assets, compels them to respond to real-time changes and requires them to cope with tactical communications that are realistically impacted by various effects.

In September of 2019 Elbit Systems UK subsidiary was awarded an approximately $38 million contract from the UK Ministry of Defence to supply comprehensive JFST systems to the British Army. Under this contract, Elbit Systems UK provides both fixed and mobile systems that are comprised of multiple networked simulators set to train mounted and dismounted Joint Fires teams and Joint Fires Cells. JFST systems will also be supporting exercises for reserve forces and teams deployed at sea, such as those onboard the Royal Navy’s Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carrier.

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