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Satellite Evolution

Axess Networks supports the growth of CFE Telecomunicaciones e Internet Para Todos in Mexico

To fulfill the purpose of the National Plan of bringing connectivity to the entire Mexican population, CFE TEIT selected AXESS Networks as one of its allies in connectivity through satellite technology, which makes it easier to meet its objectives in the fastest way, with the best latencies and a high quality of service.

For the first phase of the implementation of the INTERNET PARA TODOS (INTERNET FOR EVERYONE) program during 2021, which connects the 7.8% of the most backward population and without any type of connectivity, AXESS was assigned the implementation of 1,650 satellite sites with an end use of navigation in Internet. The most important challenge of this project was the limited implementation time with a high logistics complexity due to the geographical challenges of the remote sites where the links had to be installed.

With a wide deployment capacity, AXESS installed more than 1,500 sites nationwide in just 4 weeks, which represents a milestone in the industry, meeting the high-quality requirements requested by CFE. Additionally, AXESS delivered a customized connectivity design, tailored to the needs of the project which included integrated solutions at the LAN level such as Wi-Fi and captive portals. Likewise, it integrated an installation reporting system with digital certificates, accelerating the validation and commissioning processes of the sites. AXESS offered CFE TEIT a link administration portal that gives them real-time visibility of their links and facilitates their management.

Thanks to the optimal performance of the solution implemented in the first phase, the constant accompaniment and support during all stages of the project, AXESS Networks was one of the 2 companies to which CFE assigned an additional project of 825 satellite internet sites that complement the coverage of the project. For this phase, AXESS carried out a correct implementation on the latest technological platforms that guarantee a unique service experience for end customers.

A relevant implementation in this phase was the one carried out in the Marias Islands, where CFE received recognition from the Presidency of the Mexican Republic. Given that the connectivity already available in this remote location is aligned with the plans for the islands as the next tourist destination, and that despite the logistics restrictions, AXESS complied with the implementation of 6 Internet services and 1 cellular backhaul service that the President of the Republic tested himself, CFE's consolidated trust in its technological partner AXESS. In the future, it is expected to double the installed capacity as the flow of visitors increases.

In order to reach 100% connectivity within the Mexican population - in addition to the Shared Network commitment that will contribute 92.2% - and to make services affordable to all citizens, CFE assigned AXESS 54 satellite cellular backhaul sites. The objective is to extend the coverage network of the one achieved during the first 2 phases, not only by Internet, but also with a cellular connection. In June, this allocation will grow by adding new populations to the deployment.

Satellite technology continues to gain in importance and demonstrates that it is the most suitable technology for this type of deployments that supports government commitments at the national level. It leverages a rapid and cost-efficient implementation, and additionally allows cellular operators to grow their network without high investments in equipment. By that, it ensures an excellent service experience for populations lagging behind in the field of connectivity. This enables new life opportunities for end users, so it is not only a technological milestone but also a very important advance in the quality of life of thousands of people throughout Latin America.

AXESS Networks will continue to contribute from its core business to closing digital gaps through the Internet and satellite cellular backhaul.


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