C-COM Satellite Systems has developed several mobility mount accessories for the family of Hughes manufactured ESA terminals.
These newly designed hardware adapters provide the Eutelsat OneWeb compatible Hughes-manufactured ESA terminals a universal mount that accommodates a broad range of industrial, transportable or vehicle-mounted installations.
Multiple versions of the mobility mount terminal adapters are available to convert both the HL1100 and HL1120 ESA OneWeb flat panel antennas. The adapters are complete with fasteners, easy to assemble, and can be quickly mounted on any trailer, platform or vehicle roof rack.
The iNetVu® OneWeb mobility mount makes it possible for the Hughes-manufactured fixed ESA terminals to either operate as comms-on-the-pause (COTP) mobile terminals or provide more flexibility with industrial installations such as oil rigs, telco cabinets, emergency vehicles, trucks, or agriculture or construction equipment.
“With 10,000 Hughes manufactured fixed ESA terminals to be deployed over the Eutelsat OneWeb constellation, we expect a significant number of these will be used as COTP ESA terminals using our iNetVu® mobility mounts”, said Dr. Leslie Klein, President and CEO of C-COM Satellite Systems Inc.
The iNetVu® Hughes ESA OneWeb mobility mounts are available for immediate delivery.