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Satellite Evolution

Elbit Systems UK to supply TORCH-X C&C solution for Canada’s Airspace Coordination Centre project

The Canadian Department of National Defence has selected Elbit Systems UK to provide a TORCH-X based solution as part of the Airspace Coordination Centre Modernisation (ASCCM) Project.

The project requires the delivery of a digitised information-based system for air situational awareness and enhanced airspace coordination and management into headquarters.

The solution to be supplied will be provided to the Canadian Military Headquarters for both Land and Joint Command in order to support air missions and joint-task force operations.

Under the project, Elbit Systems UK will supply a joint-air version of its TORCH-X based Battle Management Application (BMA) that will provide situational awareness by constantly displaying a local or recognized air picture, thus enabling effective co-ordination of air assets into complex land and joint battlespace.

The system will be operated utilising Elbit Systems’ E-CIXTM open architecture framework that will enable connectivity to the Canadian Armed Forces’ legacy applications and tactical datalinks while also allowing future integration of new applications in support of the Canadian Armed Forces digital transformation plan.

Martin Fausset, CEO of Elbit Systems UK, said: “The selection of the TORCH-X based BMA solution underlines the strength of the partnership among Five Eyes nations and highlights the quality and reliability of our multi-domain command and control systems.”


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