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  • Satellite Evolution

Kepler Comms announces launch of 2 new GEN1 satellites creating the largest Canadian constellation

Kepler Communications welcomed two new satellites into their constellation today, further expanding the active constellation to 15 satellites in total. These two satellites, KEPLER-6 and KEPLER-7, were successfully launched via Soyuz 2 out of Baikonur Cosmodrome as part of the CAS500-1 mission at approximately 02:07 AM EDT. Once fully operational within the constellation these will add additional capacity to Kepler’s Global Data Services offering while also making Kepler Communications the Canadian leader in terms of the number of satellites in space.

Kepler’s GEN1 satellites were assembled at Kepler’s facility in Toronto. The GEN1 platform represents an evolution beyond Kepler’s pathfinder satellites, with an increase to a 6U-XL satellite system. The increased size accommodates significant technology enhancements, including additional power and antenna capabilities that allows the support of both Ku and narrowband spectrum from a single satellite. This multi-spectrum support is achieved with Kepler’s proprietary Software Defined Radio (SDR) which has been proven onboard the thirteen satellites already on orbit.

Wen Cheng Chong, CTO of Kepler Communications added, “These spacecraft carry an upgraded narrowband payload that is fully designed, built and integrated in-house in a matter of a few weeks since the launch of our last batch in January. The new payload allows Kepler to bring into use our spectrum filing and rapidly run on-orbit experiments for different narrowband frequencies to determine the best combination of frequencies to provide a globally harmonized IoT service. Additionally, these spacecraft also help to increase our network capacity and decrease data latency for our Global Data Service. The rapid iteration cycle clearly showcases the team's endeavor for the 10x that challenges the norm in the satellite industry.”

Jeffery Osborne, VP of Strategy and Business Development said of this most recent launch, “We are delighted to pioneer a new generation of satellite service as Canada's largest satellite fleet operator. Today showcases a glimpse of our aggressive growth and rapid innovation. Our customers near and far will be the beneficiaries of our continually improved, Canadian-built innovation."


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