Seraphim Space (Manager) LLP, the manager of Seraphim Space Investment Trust plc, the world’s first listed Space Tech Fund, is delighted to announce that the partner of Development Partners International, Sarah Shackleton, has been appointed as the Company’s new Chief Operating Officer. The appointment is effective immediately.

Sarah joins Seraphim Space as Chief Operating Officer following a long and distinguished career in the private equity and investment banking sector, working for almost 15 years as a partner of Development Partners International, one of the leading private equity firms investing in Africa and overseeing c$2.8 billion in AUM.
Her role included actively managing and administrating the funds which have invested in over 23 different companies operating across 30 countries in Africa in a variety of sectors that are helping to make Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) impacts on the continent. She was responsible for legal, compliance, HR, IT, operations, facilities and ESG at the firm. Before that, she was an Associate Director for UBS and was responsible for the financial analysis and valuation of large-cap European telecoms equipment companies.
Sarah will report to Mark Boggett, CEO of Seraphim Space (Manager) LLP, and will be a member of the Advisory Board of Seraphim Space.
Mark Boggett, CEO of Seraphim Space (Manager) LLP, said: “We are delighted to welcome Sarah as our new Chief Operating Officer. The Space Tech sector is forecast to grow into a trillion-dollar industry this decade. Technological advances are at a watershed moment, overturning traditional models for operating in Space, and creating hundreds of new companies every month. As laid out in our Interim Results, the Seraphim portfolio has grown significantly over the last six months to a value of £183 million. Sarah possesses a wealth of experience in overseeing the day-to-day administrative and operational functions of billion-dollar funds, which will be integral to ensuring, as the managers of the world’s first publicly listed space tech fund, that we continue to grow our portfolio across the full Space Tech ecosystem.”
Sarah Shackleton, Chief Operating Officer of Seraphim Space (Manager), said: “I am delighted to join the Seraphim Space team. As the global leader in Space Tech investment, Seraphim Space is exploring, developing and accelerating the Space Tech ecosystem to discover and invest in the companies that will shape a new economic revolution, transform the world and improve people’s lives on a global scale.”