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Speedcast granted patent for network optimization technologies designed to dramatically improve remote site connectivity experience

Satellite Evolution Group
Speedcast granted patent for network optimization technologies designed to dramatically improve remote site connectivity experience

Speedcast has announced a patent grant by the US Patent and Trademark Office for technologies that the company has developed to overlay on its Speedcast SIGMA™ intelligent edge network management platform. A secondary patent application by Speedcast is also underway with the Patent and Trademark Office. Speedcast’s intellectual property (IP) software will enable Speedcast to deliver an intelligent blended network solution through a combination of proprietary algorithms, machine learning and automated analysis that dramatically improves the connectivity experience for customers.


The network optimization technologies act as the brain at the remote to continuously assess key attributes of all connectivity path options available at any time – including cost, performance, and limitations – to ensure optimal link selection and management. The patents will go beyond smart link selection, specifically addressing network optimization by using a site’s current geographic position and heading, as well as weather and historical route data to improve reliability and deeper traffic shaping, enabling QoS to be modified based on WAN paths.


“At Speedcast, the customer experience is at the forefront of everything we do – from innovating new technologies to delivering seamless service,” said Will Mudge, Chief Technology Officer at Speedcast. “Securing patent protection for IP technologies critical in the connectivity solutions that we can overlay on our SIGMA intelligent edge platform is a significant and unique achievement in our industry, and we’re excited to continue these crucial innovation efforts and add to Speedcast’s existing patent portfolio in our ongoing efforts to advance the customer experience.”


The software-based IP technologies join a number of enhancements that Speedcast is rolling out on the SIGMA platform designed to meet the business and operational needs of a rapidly growing set of markets and customers. SIGMA’s next major release is set to introduce smaller routing functions, along with greater visibility and control at remote sites. The enhanced platform will allow for significantly expanded hardware options and reduced costs, while better leveraging a customer’s existing investments. In addition, the enhancements will help drive greater automation for managing the deployment and updating of both the SIGMA software itself, and also applications that customers bring to the edge through the SIGMA platform. This level of automation is essential to handling the continued growth of edge devices.


“These technologies will open up a new realm of software defined networking that enables more than just standard hybrid connectivity and enterprise SD-WAN technology. The patented IP will allow us to deliver the first true intelligent blended network solution for one hundred-percent uptime service, along with application layer reliability, smart traffic shaping, and more,” said James Trevelyan, EVP Global Sales at Speedcast. “The next generation of SIGMA will deliver central orchestration and management of the edge at scale, to potentially thousands of edge devices. This will eliminate the need to process in the cloud, driving cost savings and increased performance by processing at the edge.”

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