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  • Satellite Evolution

UP42 achieves sustainability partner designation in the Google Cloud partner advantage program

UP42 today announced that it has achieved the Google Cloud Ready - Sustainability designation in the Google Cloud Partner Advantage Program. By earning the Sustainability designation, UP42 has proven their success in building and producing solutions and tools on Google Cloud to help customers achieve their sustainability and Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) goals.

The new solutions of the Google Cloud Ready - Sustainability partner initiative will help customers achieve meaningful climate objectives for their businesses. Partners with this designation deliver solutions that reduce carbon emissions, increase the sustainability of value chains, help organizations process ESG or help them identify climate risk for increased resilience.

Google Cloud Ready - Sustainability will provide UP42’s customers a facilitated journey to discover and use proven partner solutions, powered by Google Cloud, in their sustainability business transformations.

“We are honoured to be part of this initiative among a handful of other innovative organisations worldwide,” said Barry Nagel, CTO at UP42. “As a company focused on the socio-economic impact of Earth observation data’s downstream potential, this designation is a critical step forward in helping businesses achieve their sustainability goals faster.”

“We’re entering a new era of sustainability-driven business transformation, which cloud is key to enabling and accelerating that transformation. The Google Cloud partner ecosystem will play a key role in providing solutions that help our joint customers deliver on their sustainability goals,” said Justin Keeble, managing director of global sustainability at Google Cloud. “These new solutions will be accessible through our Google Cloud Ready - Sustainability validation for customers to accelerate climate action. We are partnering with purpose to help drive towards a net zero future.”

Google Cloud Ready for Sustainability is part of the Google Cloud Partner Advantage program, designed to maximize Google Cloud partners' success across business models, customer requirements, success metrics, and strategic priorities. Google Cloud Marketplace Sustainability Hub provides customers with easy access to validated sustainability solutions and will showcase Google Cloud Ready for Sustainability solutions.


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